Government job list out of date
ANZSCO listings not keeping up with economy means lost opportunities all around
When applying for a skilled visa in Australia, applicants need to make sure the job they will have in Australia matches up with a job on the official occupation list. However with the massive changes on the employment scene in the last few years, the official government list of jobs (ANZSCO) has struggled to keep up, leaving both applicants and businesses in the lurch.
Skilled Visas are a long complex application process. If a business advertises for a position not on the ANZSCO list, it cannot submit those ads in its application as proof that it has tried to find local workers. Instead, it must advertise again with the ANZSCO-listed job, prompting weeks or months of delays. And many applications that attempt to shove new jobs into listed occupations are rejected, triggering delays and additional fees.
The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), which manages the list, told the inquiry a review would be labour and resource intensive and would cost over $4 million. A solution does not seem to be forthcoming and uncertainty surrounding the situation is surely going to reduce potential skilled migrants ever considering Australia as a location to bring their skills and experience.
Read more: ABC article
West Aussie Migration is an expert with skilled visa applications and skills assessments and are confident we can help you with these applications. Contact West Aussie Migration today if you have any questions, through our website’s contact form or our Facebook page.